
"We have very little control over what happens in our lives, but we have a lot of control over how we integrate and remember what happens. It is precisely these spiritual choices that determine whether we live our lives with dignity." --Henri Nouwen

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dick Cheney Was Right about the War

Oh, this one is too good not to pass on. It's a 1994 clip of Dick Cheney stating why we should not seek to topple Saddam because of the chaos and bloodshed it would bring. (It's also a pitch for a donation, but to a worthy cause.)

He even used the word "quagmire". Cool.

Did the September 11 atrocities override Cheney's arguments back in '94? Nope, especially since no WMDs were found and no Iraq-Al Qaeda connections prior to September 11 have been established.

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